Join a Literacy Mission
The Mission Team will travel from Washington D.C. (IAD) to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. You may secure your own airfare using points or discount tickets, but you must travel out of Washington, D.C. so that you can take school uniforms as your checked in luggage. All of our missions take us to rural Ethiopia village several hours outside of the capital city Addis Ababa. Team members are responsible for all travel expenses associated with the mission (approximately $4750 paid to the DMP in advance of the trip) plus airfare out of Washington D.C. Mission Team members must be at least 18 years of age.
Team Members must limit themselves to ONE carry-on bag only. All checked baggage allowance is reserved for DMP supplies. The Davis Moon Project will be responsible for coordinating all group transportation, lodging, and group meals while on mission travel. Alcohol is prohibited on mission travel.
The cost of the mission is approximately $4750 plus your round trip airfare (IAD-ADD). Lodging, transportation, program costs and meals are all covered in your mission fee for and will be made payable via donation to the DMP. All travelers are responsible for making their mission donation to the DMP no later than 45 days prior to departure. The volunteer must also incur expenses associated with vaccinations, trip provisions, and travel to the departure city of Washington, DC in advance of departure.
Team Travel Application Evaluation Process
Mission Volunteer Applications will be evaluated by the Board of Directors for the Davis Moon Project in consultation with staff participating in the trip. While it is a subjective process, general criteria will be applied. We are looking for the best possible team chemistry in addition to the most qualified applicants. We are acutely aware that diverse backgrounds, ages and experiences of team members will make the trip more rewarding for all who participate. We will work to assemble a group of travel partners who will genuinely add value to a mission. While we would love for every applicant to join us on our journey, we will choose the most qualified that fit our mission goals.
Mission Activities
The Davis Moon Project will be responsible for organizing a thoughtful mission itinerary that provides hands-on experiences with the children of Ethiopia. These activities may include: delivering supplies to children’s libraries, schools and orphanages; volunteering with impoverished children at local orphanages; construction projects within the community; group meals and; volunteering on public works projects that benefit children. The Davis Moon Project will be responsible for collecting and storing all books and supplies for our mission. Additionally, the organization will be solely responsible for arranging all supply containers to be transferred to and from airports and ultimately delivered by Team Members to their destination in Ethiopia.
You will be required to submit a copy of your valid passport with your mission application. You may apply for a passport with the U.S. Department of State
Click Here for the US Passport Application
Processing times for passports are typically between 12+ weeks. Expedited Services processing time is between 2 – 8 weeks. We strongly urge you to get your passport as soon as possible as a Travel Visa must also be obtained before your trip. Passport fees are typically $100 for processing by mail and $75 if application is processed in person. The responsibility for obtaining a passport lies solely with the mission volunteer and is not the responsibility of the organization.
Please contact the National Passport Information Center with any questions:
1(877) 4USA.PPT (1(877) 487.2778) Live Operator Service is available 6:00 a.m. to midnight, ET, M-F (Except federal holidays)
Travel Visa
In order to travel to Ethiopia you must obtain a travel visa. You will need a “tourist visa” from the Embassy of Ethiopia to gain entry into the country. This is a permit that is inserted into your passport. You may obtain a tourist visa for $52 by contacting the Embassy of Ethiopia.
Click Here to Apply for your Travel Visa
Visa processing takes up to 3 business days provided all the requirements are complete and is valid for 30 days to 24 months from the date of issue. You will need a valid passport, the $52.00 fee, complete the visa application online to apply by filling in the needed information, providing a copy of your passport and a photo. Keep in mind that your visa must be valid throughout your entire stay in Ethiopia and upon your re-entry to the US. The responsibility for obtaining a travel visa lies solely with the mission volunteer and is not the responsibility of the organization. A copy of your tourist visa will be required by the organization before your travel date.
You will need to consult your doctor or travel clinic for the appropriate vaccinations. You are required to have a yellow fever vaccination in your passport when you enter Ethiopia. Proof of your vaccination record will be required by the organization before your travel date. Below is a sample vaccination schedule along with an estimated cost.
6 weeks before travel
1. Hepatitis A&B (1st of 3) $161 (charge for all 3 shots) 2. Yellow Fever $131 3. Typhoid $82 4. Tetanus $68
2 weeks before travel
1. Hepatitis A&B (2nd of 3) 2. Meningitis $164 3. Flu shot $20 4. Polio $48 5. Malaria oral pills (2 options) 6 cents or $7 a pill *consult your doctor for the right medication for you
Post travel
1. Continue taking Malaria medication for 2-7 days after return from trip 2. Hepatitis A&B (3rd of 3) *If you have never had the chicken pox – this vaccination is also recommended. It may be possible get Hepatitis A & B shots for a nominal fee through your county health department if your insurance company will not cover the cost. In Austin, you may get more information on this county service by visiting: Click Here
Mission Health
There are certain health challenges associated with traveling to a third world country. Common health issues include, but are not limited to, malaria, dehydration, parasites, scabies, and physical injury. The vast majority of these symptoms can be easily managed with over the counter treatments and caution while eating in Ethiopia. Mission Team volunteers will receive a full briefing book in advance of travel that details recommended over the counter medications to consider. More information on health issues when traveling to Ethiopia can be found at:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Click Here)
Please note The Mission Team will have very limited access to medical while traveling.
The Davis Moon Project will provide all lodging for Team Members while in Ethiopia. Lodging will be equivalent to a typical 2 star hotel. Participants must be prepared to share a room with another Mission volunteer. More than likely, Internet connections will not be available and limited phone use must be anticipated. Addis Ababa frequently experiences loss of electricity and our Team should be prepared for the unexpected. We may be utilizing an orphanage guesthouse as a lodging option. These guest homes help raise money for the local orphanages and are often found on the grounds of the children’s quarters. Another good example of lodging possibilities would be:
The Ethiopian Guest Home
Lodging details will be provided to the Mission Team no later than 4 weeks prior to take off.
To learn more about Ethiopia, please visit the National Geographic Facts About Ethiopia Website: (Click Here)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Click Here)
Please note The Mission Team will have access to medical care if needed.